William Franklin “Billy” Graham dies at 99, Most widely heard Christian evangelist in history, “the most powerful evangelist since Jesus” …

Everyone has a story to tell
William Franklin “Billy” Graham dies at 99, Most widely heard Christian evangelist in history, “the most powerful evangelist since Jesus” …
John Wells signer of Tryon Resolves August 14, 1775, Fought in Battle of Kings Mountain, House built during revolution still …
Charles Kuralt on the road reporter, Inspired by Edward R. Murrow, Off the beaten path stories about average people, Kuralt …
George Sellers Civil War letter February 27, 1863, To my dear sister Suizann, Camped south of Richmond, I remain your …
David Zacheriah Wells obituary, Born Kings Mountain NC, Buried American Fork Utah, Confederate soldier wounded at battle of Richmond and …
The Epic of Gilgamesh oldest written story, Written 1500 years before the Illiad, Gilgamesh king of Uruk city, Mother goddess …
America’s deadliest school massacre, 1927 bombing of Bath Consolidated School in Michigan, 44 people killed 38 students by explosives, Andrew …
Ray Hicks giant storyteller, Teller of jack tales and life on Beech Mountain, Wife Rosa, Told stories at National Storytelling …
Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer, Here bygynneth the Book of the tales of Caunterbury, Whan that Aprille with …
9/11 note from beyond the grave, Mortician found note in stomach of Flight 77 victim, Content secret, Stomach juices prevented …