Shroud of Turin updates, 1988 carbon 14 dating of Shroud is invalid, Improper samples tested, Italian scientists: ‘Turin Shroud ‘was created by flash of supernatural light’, Mark Antonnaci book: ‘Test the Shroud At the Atomic and Molecular Levels’


From Each Story Told March 10, 2018.

“Mark Antonacci said he was a committed agnostic until he stumbled upon an article about a subject he would eventually spend nearly 20 years researching.

Antonacci, a St. Louis lawyer, is author of “The Resurrection of the Shroud.” He spoke in a telephone interview about his book about the cloth that he and others believe wrapped the body of Jesus Christ.

His book delves into questions about the wounds suffered by the man whose impression is on the shroud, the shroud’s history and scientific challenges to the carbon dating of the shroud.

Now a Christian, Antonacci said much historical, medical and archaeological evidence exists to prove Christ’s death was consistent with Gospel accounts. The evidence he said he found changed his mind about God.

“I came to the conclusion that the literal, actual crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred,” he said.”

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The 1988 carbon 14 dating of the Shroud is invalid due to improper samples that were selected and tested.

From National Geographic April 9, 2004.

“Raymond Rogers is a retired physical chemist and former leader of the explosives research and development group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. He proposes that the samples used to date the shroud in 1988 were flawed and the experiment should be repeated. His conclusion is based on a recent chemical analysis of the shroud and previous observations made during a 1978 examination.

Rogers was one of two dozen American scientists who participated in the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP)—an intense five-day scientific investigation of the shroud in Turin, Italy.”

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From the Daily Mail December 21, 2011.

“Turin Shroud ‘was created by flash of supernatural light’: It couldn’t be a medieval forgery, say scientists”

“The image on the Turin Shroud could not be the work of medieval forgers but was instead caused by a supernatural ‘flash of light’, according to scientists.
Italian researchers have found evidence that casts doubt on claims that the relic – said to be the burial cloth of Jesus – is a fake and they suggest that it could, after all, be authentic.
Sceptics have long argued that the shroud, a rectangular sheet measuring about 14ft by 3ft, is a forgery dating to medieval times.

Scientists in Italy believe the kind of technology needed to create the Shroud of Turin simply wasn’t around at the time that it was created
Scientists from Italy’s National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development spent years trying to replicate the shroud’s markings.
They have concluded only something akin to ultraviolet lasers – far beyond the capability of medieval forgers – could have created them.”

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Mark Antonacci has another book out on the Shroud published in 2016: ‘Test the Shroud: At the Atomic and Molecular Levels’

“Author and one of the leading experts on the Shroud of Turin, Mark Antonacci, continues his pursuit for the authenticity of Christ’s burial cloth with his new book, Test The Shroud. Following over 34 years of studying the garment, Antonacci is convinced that additional testing at the atomic and molecular levels could easily prove that the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Christ were actual events in history. Antonacci maintains that the marks on the cloth are those of a dead human body and were made with particle or neutron radiation that wasn’t discovered until the 20th century. The radiation accounts for more than 30 unique and remarkable features on the body image that includes still-red blood stains and the pre-mortem and post-mortem wounds that were inflicted upon Jesus. Test The Shroud presents illustrations to help explain the proposed testing, while the writing style is easy to understand and can be enjoyed by everyone.

Test The Shroud describes advanced scientific testing techniques that have become available and can demonstrate if a miraculous event occurred, when it happened, where it happened, the actual age of the garment and the identity of the corpse. Antonacci is petitioning the Vatican to allow this new scientific examination to take place, and his theory is being supported from other scientists around the world.”

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