University of Virginia students spend spring break building ramp for disabled mother in Greensboro, Roofing houses building ramp instead of …

Everyone has a story to tell
University of Virginia students spend spring break building ramp for disabled mother in Greensboro, Roofing houses building ramp instead of …
Martin Luther Large Catechism 10 Commandments, Godly pretense and misuse of divine name in worldly business in court & elsewhere From Martin Luther’s …
Martin Luther Christ centric approach to ethics, Ethics as the Gift of the Lord, Ethics in each Christian’s callings is where the …
Martin Luther on vocations, God created 3 orders: ecclesiastical, civil, economic, All Christians have a vocation to serve God in their household and economic …
Thrivent CEO Brad Hewitt: history goes back to Luther’s Fraternal Agreement, Luther: matters determined by Christian love and not by strict human justice …
Martin Luther trial, Hearings before Diet at Worms on charges of heresy, Reformation catalyst, Questioned church sale of indulgences “The Trial …
Lutherans candor on Thrivent Financial investments, Don’t mix friendship, church and investing, Gotta love that church directory Forum question: “Does anyone …
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans sues former agents, Largest fraternal benefit society in US, Thrivent’s Christian common bond, “Core Christian values”, …
Shroud of Turin updates, 1988 carbon 14 dating of Shroud is invalid, Improper samples tested, Italian scientists: ‘Turin Shroud ‘was …
Martin Luther King, Jr. early years, Born Michael January 15, 1929, Auburn Avenue Atlanta, GA, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Crime was …