The Resurrection of the Shroud by Mark Antonacci, Research and experience converts Antonacci from agnostic to Christian, Conclusion that the literal actual crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred


From the preface to The Resurrection of the Shroud by Mark Antonacci.

“It actually began out of nowhere on a Sunday afternoon. I had just had a serious argument with a girlfriend. The problem was that she was religious, and I was not. She was very committed to her religious views, and I was definitely a committed agnostic. Because it was over a matter that threatened our relationship, it caused me great anxiety. Not wanting to hang around the apartment and continue to think about it all day, I decided to go to work at my law office to take my mind off the argument.

When I got to my office, I couldn’t concetrate on my work. Hoping to get my mind off the disagreement, I decided to go across the street and catch some lunch at Hummel’s, my favorite restaurant, and read the paper. On the way I happened to buy a particular newspaper for the only time in my life.

As I was moving down the serving line at Hummel’s with the newspaper on my tray, I couldn’t help but notice the words across the top of the paper, advertising what was inside the weekend edition. In the upper right-hand corner was a facial picture of the man on the shroud; next to it, a caption asked if this was a picture of the historical Jesus Christ. The paper was featuring an article on a recently published book about the Shroud of Turin. The picture was staring up right at me, and as I went down the line, I muttered to myself, “Great, this is just what I need.”

“I did not like seeing this picture and being reminded of the subject and the argument, so I pushed the paper a little bit away from me. As I continued reading, I noticed the picture again and pushed the paper farther away still. I did the same thing another time until, noticing the picture yet again, I finally said, “all right, I’ll read the !$#?% article,” and angrily threw down the sports page and picked up the article on the shroud.”


From on April 14, 2001.

“Ex-agnostic researches, writes book on shroud”

“Mark Antonacci said he was a committed agnostic until he stumbled upon an article about a subject he would eventually spend nearly 20 years researching.

Antonacci, a St. Louis lawyer, is author of “The Resurrection of the Shroud.” He spoke in a telephone interview about his book about the cloth that he and others believe wrapped the body of Jesus Christ.

His book delves into questions about the wounds suffered by the man whose impression is on the shroud, the shroud’s history and scientific challenges to the carbon dating of the shroud.

Now a Christian, Antonacci said much historical, medical and archaeological evidence exists to prove Christ’s death was consistent with Gospel accounts. The evidence he said he found changed his mind about God.

“I came to the conclusion that the literal, actual crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred,” he said.”

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