Ruth Adkins Edwards real-life Rosie the Riveter, Married Jim Bataan Death March survivor, Spent eight months in Greenbrier Hospital, She …

Everyone has a story to tell
Ruth Adkins Edwards real-life Rosie the Riveter, Married Jim Bataan Death March survivor, Spent eight months in Greenbrier Hospital, She …
Mexican American War officers fought each other in US Civil War, Captain Lee commended Lieutenant Grant, Colonel Jefferson Davis, Beauregard …
The Suffolk Resolves September 6, 1774, Meeting of the delegates of every town & district in the county of Suffolk …
Zachariah Wells hanged in 1781 by Col Benjamin Cleveland in Wilkes County NC, Wells was neighbor and suspected Tory, Zachariah …
Colonel Benjamin Cleveland American Revolution patriot, War criminal?, Vigilante justice, Hangings of Battle of Kings Mountain loyalists, Lynched neighbors believed …
American Revolution war crimes, Battle of Kings Mountain and aftermath, Patriots vs loyalists, Rebels vs Tories, Captured loyalists hung, Neighbors …
Queen Family Appalachian tradition & back porch music UNC TV, Cleansed my soul of worries, Joy of hearing good people …
Andrew Jackson capture at Waxhaw Presbyterian Church April 1781, Held prisoner in Camden, SC, Studied law in Salisbury, NC, Practiced …
George Washington an Imperfect God by Henry Wiencek, Washington’s attitudes began to change on battlefields, Saw system’s evil before presidency, …
Battle of Charlotte September 26, 1780, Patriot militia under Major William R. Davie, British under Major George Hanger, American victory …