This website evolved out of a strong desire to tell my most significant story. How I was treated by a disability insurance company. A fraternal, Lutheran affiliated company that I paid premiums on for 25 years.

Depending on how my lawsuit plays out and any potential legal constraints placed upon me, I will provide actual documents and much detail.

Regardless, my story will be told. I vowed to do this years ago.

The decision to create a website came about for several reasons. Even though I needed to tell my story and reveal what the insurance company did to me, I did not want this to be all about me. Other people have had similar experiences and everybody has a story. I have known this for many years and one of my all time favorite shows was “Everybody has a story” on CBS years ago, hosted by Steve Hartman. The show proved the premise.

How the stories from the public will be featured here will evolve with time.

Much of the work I have done in documenting my disability case has been sheer drudgery, emotionally painful and tiring. Once I began working on this site it became more joyful, a making lemonade out of lemons experience.

I am truly excited to launch this endeavor.
